Thursday, January 20, 2011

I hate, hate, hate that it's always dark out when I'm home with the kids. It always results in pictures I'm disappointed in. Flash lighting is just unflattering and with kids that don't sit still it is impossible to really work on my technique. With that said, here are a few funny pictures I've been sitting on because I'm not happy with them, but I figured it was time to just share them anyway.

Max helped Grammy make dinner one evening. Grammy is a saint for putting up with Max's "help" if you ask me!

Rory hasn't figured out how to keep her spoon flat and usually spills the apple sauce out before it gets to her mouth. I usually end up helping her towards the end but this night Max decided he wanted to help. Isn't it funny that he opens his mouth with her?!

Do you see Rory's face?! She loves when her big brother tickles her!

Last night Auntie came over to visit with the kids. They love their Auntie so much that I was officially banished from helping with the bath, reading a bedtime story, or tucking them in. That is, until Max realized he loves his Mama and came screaming out for me to tuck him in. Yeah, I'm the favorite still!

So if you're wondering why I haven't been posting as many pictures lately I think I showed you why. The pictures are cute in context, but stand alone they really are a hot mess. I'm going to have to find something else to practice my flash taking technique on because this is really irritating me!

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