We had a very exciting, family filled weekend. It started Friday evening, after Dusty and Chris worked in our garage, we all headed out for a bonfire. Randy and his girlfriend Ashley also joined us and Andrea showed up just as we had to take cover from the oncoming storm. It was a nice relaxing evening before a bunch of festivities.
Saturday morning we loaded up and headed over to Dusty's parents where everyone had breakfast before heading out for the family golf outing. Ed and I don't golf so I volunteered to watch
Lyla and Ed helped me take the kids to the county fair. Don't we make such a cute family in our matching pink and John Deere outfits?

Ed was such a great help with the kids and we all had a really great time checking out all the adorable little animals. Here is a very cute picture of Uncle Ed helping the kids see the ducks.

After the fair the kids and I went home for some lunch and naps and then we were off to celebrate Adam's 30
th birthday at Nick and Theresa's. Apparently Max and
Lyla got a little too comfortable as they had their first fight - over the volleyball. Uncle Andrew/Daddy and Uncle Randy certainly didn't help the situation by cheering them on.

Now as if this wasn't enough fun for one weekend. The following morning we were all off for the Young Family Picnic at Lake Elmo Park Reserve. Max developed a little fever so he wasn't his normal cheery self so I spent most of that time taking care of him and didn't get any pictures, but we still had a great time. Afterwards we dropped Max off with my parents and Dusty and I went to Melanie Anderson's CD Release Concert at the Varsity Theatre that evening. Needless to say we were exhausted when we got home last night.
Max is still recovering and spent a good chunk of the night unhappily awake, which means I was also awake. But he is getting some R&R with Grandma today so hopefully he is feeling better tomorrow since his field trip to a farm with daycare is tomorrow!
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